Police Community Advisory Boards: How to Establish and Sustain Highly Effective Ones

悉尼R. 罗伯茨,JD



美国各地, 市政府, local police leaders and community groups are intensifying their focus on issues central to improving the delivery of policing services. These include concerns that range from transparency in daily operations to 社区治安. At the core of these initiatives is the concept of establishing police community advisory boards (CAB). It’s impressive how effective these boards can be when they are structured, 领导, 以正确的方式资助和维持.

Rather than simply “standing up” a board in a spontaneous and ad hoc manner, 强烈建议政治, 政策, police and community leaders implement them thoughtfully and in line with “lessons learned” from the past experiences of others. The following are best practices for establishing and sustaining effective CAB.

1. 建立合法性

公众的支持对CAB的成功至关重要. 随着 国际警察局长协会 (IACP)概述了, “A successful advisory board demonstrates to the community that its police department is making an effort to listen to them and that officers care about finding the best way to serve them. 通过咨询委员会征求社区意见, departments demonstrate transparency and commitment to their communities.”

  • 参与社区活动委员会的目的是为社区服务, t在这里fore it makes sense that the community should be part of establishing the board and creating its mission, 愿景和目标.
  • 确保会员资格具有代表性董事会应该反映它所服务的社区, 包括不同种族的人, 宗教, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, 能力和社会经济地位. 除了社区参与, CAB membership should also include participation and representation of the chief of police and elected officials.
  • 确保执法部门的支持: It’s very important that law enforcement leaders and stakeholders be willing to listen and empathize with CAB members’ points of view. 以及参与困难的对话, 他们应该准备承认伤害和接受批评, 在适当的地方.

2. 谨慎而有远见地组建董事会

The success of your CAB depends on how effectively it cultivates honest, 公开透明的沟通, 就警务政策和做法提供有意义的建议, 并促进与执法无关的约定.

  • 建立章程和细则明确董事会的使命、权力和目标. 创建清晰的角色和职责. 一定要定义关键元素, 比如自治的范围, 会议协议和冲突解决程序.
  • 定义关键政策、实践和培训要求确定和概述与使用武力有关的政策, 警员枪击案(OIS), 关键事件响应和透明度, 有关歧视的数据, 投诉处理, 和停止, 搜查及拘捕(检获). Issues involving the use of any technology that might trigger privacy rights should also be addressed, 比如随身携带的摄像头, 录音/录像和车牌识别.
  • 确保董事会会议议程公平制定: Make certain that meeting itineraries reflect input from both the police and the community.

3. 加强董事会的连续性和可持续性

Your board should be resilient and capable of operating effectively for many years.

  • 提供财政和行政支持: Consider your board’s funding and staff support needs while you’re still in the process of its creation. 不要等到你完成了才去做.
  • 建立任期限制: Decide how long members should serve on the board so the community can be sure that diverse perspectives are always represented. IACP recommends consulting potential members and law enforcement leadership to determine the appropriate term length and number of terms each member can serve.
  • 选择承诺的成员: Ensure that board members are dedicated to their position and are ready to actively participate. 这包括倾听, communicating through conflict and respecting opinions that may not align with their own.

4. 提高透明度

The most effective boards operate with a high level of openness and transparency across stakeholder groups.

  • 宣传董事会的成立: Explain why the board has been formed, including its purpose, goals and intended outcomes. 公开分享公司的规章制度.
  • 建立一个专门的网站和社交媒体: Enhance board awareness and communication by utilizing digital platforms and channels. Other effective publicity measures could also include posting flyers on community boards in libraries, 咖啡店和社区中心. 从本质上讲,要尽一切努力提高对CAB的认识.
  • 宣传CAB会议、活动和行动一旦确定了交流的地点, 董事会成立了, let your community know about the CAB’s various activities and the reasons behind them. 发布会议议程和成员简介. Share what the CAB is working on and the results of their inquiries and reviews. The more information the community has, the more they will trust the CAB.
  • 确保所有社区成员都能使用CAB因为你的社区很多样化, be sure to tailor your message as necessary to reach the broadest audience possible. In addition to publishing information in different langu年龄, provide information in audio clips. 如果你选择举行公开会议, change your meeting sites to allow people from different areas and with different accessibility needs to attend. In general, be as inclusive with your message and information-sharing as possible.

Establishing a police civilian advisory board in your community can help 弥合执法部门和平民之间的差距. It can boost the approval ratings of law enforcement and might even improve job satisfaction for officers. It can regenerate community trust in the police and, in some cases, elected officials. 最重要的是, it can go a long way toward easing conflict and making a real difference in the lives of your residents.

点击 在这里 to learn more about Jensen Hughes’ law enforcement consulting services.

悉尼·R的大头照. 罗伯茨,JD


悉尼R. 罗伯茨,JD
在警察问责制方面已被证明是领导者, Sydney has provided insight and guidance on civil and human rights matters impacting law enforcement, 包括非法搜查和扣押, 拒绝律师辩护和警员枪击事件.